Hypothermia – Prevention, Symptoms and Treatment

Hypothermia is subnormal body temperature that occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can produce it. It is most often caused by exposure to cold weather. Other factors that may contribute to the onset of hypothermia include over-exertion, inadequate food and fluid intake, immobility and lack of shelter. While usually associated with below freezing temps, it is worth noting that hypothermia can occur any time that cool (not necessarily cold), wet and windy conditions are prevalent.


When temperatures drop quickly, add layers and/or keep moving in order to maintain body heat and prevent a slowing down of blood flow | Shimshal Pamir | Karakoram Range, Pakistan, 2008

Cold-related maladies such as hypothermia and frostbite are far easier to prevent than they are to cure. Here are eight proactive measures that hikers can take in order to avoid hypothermia:

1.  ForecastAlways check the forecast before setting out. Adapting is a lot easier if you know what’s coming.

2.  Awareness: Watch the weather (forecasts can sometimes by wrong) and know your limitations. If conditions are deteriorating and you’re feeling exhausted, don’t hesitate to set up your shelter and call it a day.

3.  Layering:  By dressing in multiple lighter layers, as opposed to a single thick or bulky layer, the hiker is able to better adapt to a wider range of conditions. Layers can be removed or added according to the weather and/or exertion level at any given time.

Ideally your clothing selections should compliment one another, so that each layer works together as part of a flexible overall system, designed to maximize efficiency and minimize duplicity. For more information, see Hiking Clothing.

4.  Monitor the Extremities:  Pay particular attention to the extremities. Your head, hands and feet constitute the body’s initial warning system when hiking in cold, wet and windy conditions.

5.  Minimize sweating: Over-dressing and over-exerting can lead to excessive perspiration, which in turn can result in a lowering of body temperature. Make sweating as little as possible a priority in cold conditions (see Layering above). Think tortoise rather than hare, and do your best to maintain a steady pace throughout the hiking day. If the environment in which you are venturing isn’t too exposed or prone to high winds, consider bringing along an umbrella. They can’t be beat when it comes to ventilation.

6.  Short breaks: The longer you stop the colder you become. When the weather turns nasty, keep breaks short and to a minimum. If you are taking a longer break, put on an extra layer or two.

7.  Food: During the day eat high-energy snacks at regular intervals. Before going to bed, your evening meal should emphasize fats and proteins, which are processed slower by your digestive system, thereby keeping you warmer during the night.

8.  Hydration: When conditions are cold and the sun is no where to be seen, hikers often forget to drink enough water. This is a mistake. If you are dehydrated you are more susceptible to hypothermia (see Hydration for details).

Winter snowshoeing trip | Oregon, 2016.

Symptoms and Treatment

The onset of hypothermia is typically gradual and the victim is often unaware that they require emergency medical treatment. Physical and mental capabilities are progressively diminished, therefore the key to successfully treating hypothermia is early recognition.

If you are hiking in a group, be alert to any changes in the demeanour of your trekking mates. If you are hiking solo, you need to be even more vigilant in regards to monitoring your own physical and mental state. If you notice changes, take preventative measures sooner rather than later.


Symptoms of mild to moderate hypothermia include:

  • Shivering
  • Slurred speech
  • Loss of balance and coordination
  • Loss of dexterity in the fingers
  • Slowing in the response mechanism

Severe cases of hypothermia (i.e. when body temperature drops below 28C / 82F) exhibit the following additional symptoms:

  • Shallow or no breathing.
  • Weak or irregular pulse.
  • Dilated pupils
  • Muscle rigidity
  • Increasingly pale skin colour.
  • Progressive loss of consciousness

The ultimate in field tests for wet weather gear – Traversing Tasmania’s Arthur Range (March, 2015).


In treating hypothermia the objective is to prevent further heat loss and slowly rewarm the patient. Note that severe hypothermia is a potentially fatal medical condition. In such cases, every possible effort should be made to contact an emergency response team. To treat someone with hypothermia take the following steps:

  • Find or set up shelter.
  • Remove wet clothing.
  • Put on something warm and dry.
  • Get into sleeping bag. Be sure to lay out a sleeping mat first in order to insure sufficient insulation from the ground.
  • Eat high-energy snacks such as chocolate.
  • Drink warm fluids. Avoid coffee and alcohol which dehydrate and accelerate heat loss.
  • If you are shivering and happen to be hiking in a group, share your sleeping bag with someone who is warm and dry.
  • Focus on rewarming the centre of the body – groin, stomach, chest, neck and head. Warm (not hot) compresses are ideal. DO NOT attempt to rewarm the limbs as this will push cold blood back towards the lungs, heart and brain.
  • It is common for people suffering from severe hypothermia to also have frostbite. DO NOT rub frostbitten areas, as this can severely damage the affected tissues.
  • If the victim’s breathing has either stopped or appears threateningly slow or weak, begin CPR immediately.

For an excellent online overview of hypothermia and other cold weather maladies, see Princeton University’s Outdoor Action Website.


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7 Replies to “Hypothermia – Prevention, Symptoms and Treatment”

  1. I really appreciate this that you have shared with us. I lot of people do not fully understand the dangers that comes with Hypothermia. When I was 16 I went on a hike in the High Sierra Mountains. With some of my friends we attempted a polar bear swim in one of the near by lakes. After a very prideful fight I was victorious and stayed in the longest. Unfortunately, I also ended up in the beginning stages of Hypothermia. Luckily, we have been trained in the first aid necessary to be able to receive the help necessary. Learning this stuff is very important!

    1. Hey Kyler,

      Thanks for sharing your story. Lessons learnt from personal experience always seem to resonate the most!



  2. Great summation of hypothermia. I am on the Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Association (ALDHA) Board. I would like to use this information in a presentation to hikers getting ready to SOBO on the AT. Aside form acknowledging The Hiking Life as my source is there any other
    clearance I would need. Thank you.

    1. Hi Ken,

      Thanks for the kind words. In regards to accreditation, just reference my name and the website and that will be fine. Best of luck with your presentation.



  3. I recently completed a three day backpacking trip of the Black Forest trail.

    During last day the temperature took a turn for the worse. The temperature dropped to the 40’s with moderate wind and substantial continuous rain.

    I only had my rain jacket on as I believed my pace would keep my core temperature up. Foolish of me. I first noticed my fingers were working correctly while grasping my trekking poles, but I didn’t want to stop to put a layer on when I only had 6 miles to go. Eventually common sense took over just in time and I stopped to place my puffer jacket under my rain jacket and that’s when I recognized how dyer my situation was. I had exteme difficulty using my hands to work the zipper as rain continued to pour onto me in shockingly cold gusts of wind. Luckily I was able to urge myself to complete the task.

    Later as i continued my descent and began to feel my core warm I realized that I had been mildly hypothermic and in the begining stages of Profound hypothermia.

    Don’t underestimate mountains and their cold snap surprises. Always listen to your body and it’s warnings. Be prepared

    Remember hypothermia can kill you just miles from your destination as it has done many hikers. I had the same mentality ” its only a little further”.

    Be safe

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