The fifth iteration of the “Hiking Books Guide” has been updated and expanded to include more than 90 works divided into eight categories: 1. Educational; 2. Guidebooks; 3. Humour; 4. Inspirational; 5. Literature; 6. Memoirs; 7. Philosophy, and; 8. Ultralight.
All of the books have a place on my traditional, cyber, or audio bookshelves, and the featured authors include some of the most experienced and knowledgeable hikers and/or outdoorsy folks on the planet.
- Auerbach, Paul. Medicine for the Outdoors (7th edition, 2023): I first picked up a copy of this book in the late ’90s. Excellent reference text. According to Richard Carmona, 17th Surgeon General of the USA, Auerbach’s book is the “most comprehensive and authoritative work in the field.”
- Burns, Bob. Wilderness Navigation (3rd Edition, 2015): Clearly written, useful for beginners as well as veterans looking for a refresher. Includes handy practical exercises at the back of the book. Written by the co-author of the ‘Navigation’ chapter of the classic, “Mountaineering: Freedom of the Hills.” (see below).
- Curtis, Rick. The Backpacker’s Field Manual (2005 edition): Arguably still the most comprehensive “how to” backpacking guide on the market. An excellent reference book that deserves a place on every hiker’s bookshelf.
- Forgey, William. Wilderness Medicine: Beyond First Aid (7th Edition) (2017): Great resource. Concise, practical, and layman-friendly.
- Gonzales, Laurence. Deep Survival (2003): After hearing about this book for a decade, I finally got around to reading “Deep Survival” during the pandemic. I found it to be a highly readable combination of survival stories, practical advice, and the psychology of how people deal with extreme adversity. On the not-so-great side, it felt a little disorganized and repetitive at times.
- Gookin & Tilton, Winter Camping (NOLS Library) (2005): Good introductory text for people interested in winter camping.
- Gooley, Tristan. The Lost Art of Reading Nature’s Signs (2015). An informative and entertaining guide to channeling your inner Sherlock Holmes out in the wilderness. Gooley details how to use Mother Nature’s signs to determine everything from the direction of travel to weather patterns to animal behavioral patterns.
- Hansen, Derek. The Ultimate Hang (2024): Highly regarded illustrated guide to hammock camping. Recommended by serial thru-hiker and long-time hammock devotee Brian “Beardoh” Ristola, who wrote Hammocks for Thru-Hiking for ‘The Hiking Life’ website in February 2018.
- Lichter, Justin. Trail Tested (2020; 2nd Edition). Lightweight backpacking techniques and gear advice from a guy who has walked the walk for over 40,000 miles, including winter thru-hikes of the Appalachian Trail and Pacific Crest Trails and pioneering routes in the Himalaya, New Zealand’s South Island, and Mexico’s Copper Canyon Region (with yours truly).
- Magnanti, Paul. How to Survive Your First Trip into the Wild: Backpacking for Beginners (2019). Full of practical, to-the-point advice, How to Survive Your First Trip into the Wild is ideal for those looking to make the transition from day hikes to overnight backpacking excursions. Magnanti’s decades of field experience, combined with an often humorous writing style, make this book not only a great resource for beginners but also brings home the fact that as long as you are well prepared, heading out into the woods is an experience to be enjoyed, rather than simply endured.
- Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills (10th edition, 2024): This classic mountaineering text (first published in 1960) also has lots of information relevant to hikers and backpackers (e.g., snow skills, wilderness first aid, knots, and navigation).
- Skurka, Andrew. The Ultimate Hiker’s Gear Guide (2017; 2nd Edition). A thorough overview of lightweight backpacking gear and techniques from one of the sport’s leading authorities.
- Tazz, Iron. Hike It: An Introduction to Camping, Hiking, and Backpacking in the USA (2024). Written by fellow PCT 2012 alumni Iron Tazz and illustrated by Martin Stanev, Hike It is a wonderful introductory guide to the world of hiking and backpacking aimed at young adventurers aged 7 and up. The book showcases some of America’s most stunning landscapes while also touching on important subjects such as navigation, LNT, wildlife encounters, hiking your own hike, and how to poop in the woods.
- Thomas, Liz, Mastering the Art of the Thru Hike (2017). Over the past decade, Liz “Snorkel” Thomas has hiked many long-distance trails around North America, including the Triple Crown (i.e., PCT, CDT, and AT). That well of ambulatory experience combined with impressive attention to detail has resulted in a book full of practical, hard-won advice, which took out the National Outdoor Book Award in 2017 (Instructional Category).
- Townsend, Chris. The Backpackers Handbook (4th Edition; 2011). An excellent backpacking resource written in a personal, down-to-earth style by a man who definitely knows his stuff. Over the decades Townsend has published more than 20 hiking-related books, and since 1991 has been the Equipment Editor for The Great Outdoors (TGO) magazine.
- Wall Kimmerer, Robin. Braiding Sweetgrass (2015). An insightful and inspiring book recommended to me by serial long-distance hiker, Kate “Swept Away” Pickett. Weaving together botany, spirituality, and Indigenous wisdom, Braiding Sweetgrass examines and celebrates our innate connection to the natural world while nudging the reader to recognize and act upon the lessons that are often ‘hiding in plain sight.’
“In the Western tradition there is a recognized hierarchy of beings, with, of course, the human being on top—the pinnacle of evolution, the darling of Creation—and the plants at the bottom. But in Native ways of knowing, human people are often referred to as “the younger brothers of Creation.” We say that humans have the least experience with how to live and thus the most to learn—we must look to our teachers among the other species for guidance. Their wisdom is apparent in the way that they live. They teach us by example. They’ve been on the earth far longer than we have been, and have had time to figure things out.”
- Waterman, Guy & Laura. Wilderness Ethics: Preserving the Spirit of Wildness (1993). This book was recommended to me by Paul “Mags” Magnanti (see above). I found it to be a well-written, balanced, and engaging examination of the ethical questions around how we use wilderness. Its themes are more relevant today than ever before.
- Wohlleben, Peter, The Hidden Life of Trees (2018). German forester Peter Wohlleben seamlessly combines science, wonder, and abiding love in this extraordinary book, which illuminates the connectedness of all things in the “wood wide web.” Another great read by the same author is “Forest Walking: Discovering the Trees and Woodlands of North America.”
“But the most astonishing thing about trees is how social they are. The trees in a forest care for each other, sometimes even going so far as to nourish the stump of a felled tree for centuries after it was cut down by feeding it sugars and other nutrients, and so keeping it alive……..A tree’s most important means of staying connected to other trees is a “wood wide web” of soil fungi that connects vegetation in an intimate network that allows the sharing of an enormous amount of information and goods. Scientific research aimed at understanding the astonishing abilities of this partnership between fungi and plant has only just begun. The reason trees share food and communicate is that they need each other. It takes a forest to create a microclimate suitable for tree growth and sustenance. So it’s not surprising that isolated trees have far shorter lives than those living connected together in forests.”
- Chapman, John. Bushwalking Guides for Australia. Since the 1970s, Chapman has written a wide range of hiking books that cover many of Australia’s finest wilderness areas. Over the years, I’ve used his excellent guides for the Australian Alps Walking Track, Larapinta Trail, and South West Tasmania.
- Cicerone Press Guidebooks: For more than five decades, Cicerone Press has been producing highly regarded guidebooks for hiking, trekking, climbing, and cycling. Traditionally, their focus has been on the UK (where they are based) and Europe; however, in recent times, they have been increasingly featuring other areas around the world, such as the Himalayas, Andes, and Atlas mountains.
- Falcon Guides: One of the largest publishers of outdoor guidebooks in the United States. Their extensive hiking catalogue includes Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, and Arizona.
- Lonely Planet Hiking Guides: Among its hundreds of titles, the famed travel book publisher has also put out scores of useful hiking/trekking/walking guides. Regions covered include the Nepal Himalaya, New Zealand, and Patagonia (Note: Many of the LP hiking guides are currently out of print, but with a bit of searching, you can often find used copies and/or eBook versions).
- Trailblazer Guidebooks: Along with Cicerone Press, the principal hiking guidebook company for the UK and Europe over the past couple of decades. As with their counterpart, they have also expanded their geographic horizons in recent years and now feature books for South America, Asia, and other destinations around the globe.
- Bryson, Bill. A Walk in the Woods. The famed travel writer’s account of his time on America’s most iconic long-distance pathway. Some thru-hikers complain about what this book isn’t (i.e., the story of someone who hiked the whole Appalachian Trail) rather than focusing on what it is – a witty and often insightful account of an AT section hike by a very good writer.
“I know a man who drives 600 yards to work. I know a woman who gets in her car to go a quarter of a mile to a college gymnasium to walk on a treadmill, then complains passionately about the difficulty of finding a parking space. When I asked her once why she didn’t walk to the gym and do five minutes less on the treadmill, she looked at me as if I were being willfully provocative. ‘Because I have a program for the treadmill,’ she explained. ‘It records my distance and speed, and I can adjust it for degree of difficulty.’ It hadn’t occurred to me how thoughtlessly deficient nature is in this regard.”
- Burns, John D. The Last Hillwalker (2017). A love letter to the hills. I picked up this thoroughly enjoyable account of four decades’ worth of adventures in the British mountains (and beyond) during my 2018 trip to the Scottish Highlands. On the same journey, I also read Burns’ excellent Bothy Tales – an ode to the characterful mountain huts that dot the Scottish Highlands.
- Grinter, Lawton. I Hike (2012) and I Hike Again (2019). Collections of short stories derived from more than 15,000 miles of hiking on some of America’s finest trails. Funny, poignant, thought-provoking, and entertaining, reading Grinter’s books makes you feel like you are sitting around a campfire, swapping yarns with a bunch of long-distance hikers over a beer or three.
- McFarland, Boots. On the Trail with Boots McFarland (2019): Long-distance hikers are a quirky bunch. And rarely have those eccentricities been better captured than in Boots McFarland’s wonderful cartoons. Whether it be our questionable eating habits, debatable hygiene practices, or simply the crazy notion that people would want to walk thousands of miles just for the fun of it, Boots’ illustrations are a chafe-and-all celebration of what makes hikers tick.
- Newby, Eric. A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush (1958). The (mis)adventures of a fashion executive and his mate who works for the British Foreign Service, who travel from London to Afghanistan with the goal of scaling a hitherto unclimbed peak (Mir Samir) in the Hindu Kush. One of the most entertaining books about climbing and trekking I’ve read.
“I was heavily involved on all fronts: with mountaineering outfitters, who oddly enough never fathomed the depths of my ignorance; possibly because they couldn’t conceive of anyone acquiring such a collection of equipment without knowing how to use it.”
- Twain, Mark. Roughing It (1872). Personal recollections and tall tales from the author’s wanderings around America’s Wild West. My favourite of Twain’s travel narratives, just nudging out The Innocents Abroad. It’s not exactly a wilderness book, but what the hey, I love Mark Twain, I love the American West, and his stories never fail to bring a big smile to my face.
- Berger, Karen. America’s Great Hiking Trails (2014): A beautiful coffee table book featuring America’s 11 National Scenic Trails. One of Berger’s earlier works, “Hiking America’s Triple Crown” (2001), introduced me to the idea of tackling the big three of American long-distance hiking (i.e., the Appalachian, Pacific Crest, and Continental Divide Trails), which I eventually did in 2012.
- Honan, Cam. Wanderlust: Hiking on Legendary Trails (2017), The Hidden Tracks: Wanderlust off the Beaten Path (2018), Wanderlust USA (2019), Wanderlust Himalaya (2022), Wanderlust Nordics (2023), and Wanderlust Mediterranean (2024). Odes to the beauty and wonder of experiencing the natural world on foot. Each work in the Wanderlust series features roughly 30 of the finest trails and routes from around the globe, including Tibet’s Mount Kailash Circuit, California’s Lowest to Highest Route, Peru’s Cordillera Huayhuash Circuit, and the legendary Haute Route between Chamonix and Zermatt. The books contain background history, trail descriptions, overview maps, and, most notably, scores of spectacular wilderness photographs.
- Krakauer, Jon. Into the Wild (1996): The cautionary, enthralling, and tragic story of Chris McCandless, an idealistic young man who walked alone into the Alaskan wilderness. I read this book during my own three-month journey in Alaska and the Yukon in 1998. From the time of its publication, the book polarized readers, with McCandless being painted as everything from a tragic hero to a reckless narcissist. Ultimately, his tale stands as a grim reminder of what can occur in the wilderness when dreams and idealism aren’t balanced by objectivity and the knowledge and skills necessary to safely negotiate your chosen environment.
- McDougall, Christopher. Born to Run (2009). Informative and inspirational, this book features the incredible Tarahumaras (Raramuri) of Mexico’s Copper Canyon. The area and its people hold a special place in my hiking heart. Between 1995 and 2013, I undertook five extended trips there, the last of which was a 381 mi (613 km) traverse that linked together the six major canyons that constitute the Copper Canyon Region (together with Justin Lichter).
- Macfarlane, Robert. The Old Ways: A Journey on Foot (2012): In “The Old Ways,” Macfarlane traces the ancient pathways of Britain and beyond and explores the relationship between people, time, and landscapes. As with the writing of Nan Shepherd (see below), you get the feeling that the author walks into landscapes rather than up and over them. I read this extraordinary book during my Alps trip in 2019, and as soon as I had finished, I ordered Macfarlane’s first two works – “Mountains of the Mind” and “The Wild Places” (which are also excellent).
- The Continental Divide Trail: Exploring America’s Ridgeline Trail (2020), The Pacific Crest Trail: Exploring America’s Wilderness Trail (2016), and The Appalachian Trail: Celebrating America’s Hiking Trail (2012). Gorgeous coffee table books celebrating America’s Triple Crown trails. The first two works were authored by Barney “Scout” Mann. A “trail angel” from San Diego, Barney, together with his equally amazing wife, Sandy (also known as “Frodo”), has hosted more than 8,000 aspiring Pacific Crest Trail hikers since the 2000s. They thru-hiked the PCT together in 2007, which Barney later documented in his book, Journeys North.
- Montgomery, Ben. Grandma Gatewood’s Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail (2014). A page-turning read about one of the Appalachian Trail’s most legendary characters, who, at the age of 67, became the first female to hike the AT in 1955.
- Shepherd, Nan. The Living Mountain (1977): Nan Shepherd was a Scottish poet and nationalist who is commemorated on the country’s five-pound note. “The Living Mountain” is Shepherd’s beautifully written testament to the joys and wonders of walking in nature, specifically in her beloved Cairngorm mountains:
“I believe that I now understand in some small measure why the Buddhist goes on pilgrimage to a mountain. The journey is itself part of the technique by which the god is sought. It is a journey into Being; for as I penetrate more into the mountain’s life, I penetrate also into my own. For an hour I am beyond desire. It is not ecstasy, that leap out of the self that makes man like a god. I am not out of myself, but in myself. I am. To know Being, this is the final grace accorded from the mountain.”
- Siber, Kate. 100 Hikes of a Lifetime: The World’s Ultimate Scenic Trails (2020). A wonderful compilation of “dream hikes” from around the world. As you’d expect from a National Geographic publication, the photos are mesmerizing.
- Abbey, Edward. The Monkey Wrench Gang (1975). A cult classic. Set in the desert wilderness of America’s southwest, The Monkey Wrench Gang follows the radicalized adventures of four environmentally-conscious misfits in the face of industrial development.
- Snyder, Gary. Turtle Island (1974) & The Practice of the Wild (1990): Thought-provoking poems and essays. I didn’t get into Snyder until my early 30s, when I randomly came across a copy of ‘Turtle Island’ in a used bookstore in Queensland, Australia. I’ve been a big fan of his writing ever since:
“Walking is the great adventure, the first meditation, a practice of heartiness and soul primary to humankind. Walking is the exact balance between spirit and humility.” (The Practice of the Wild).
- Tolkien, JRR, The Lord of the Rings (1954). The story of a diverse bunch of guys who went out for a multi-month walk had lots of memorable adventures, met some cool trail angels, took some zero-days, had some differences of opinion regarding route selection, lost one of their members due to chest pains, split into separate groups, stood by each other when times were tough, finished their trips at different termini, and, finally, all met up for celebratory beers on the Field of Cormallen at journey’s end.
“I want to see mountains again, Gandalf, mountains, and then find somewhere where I can rest. In peace and quiet, without a lot of relatives prying around and a string of confounded visitors hanging on the bell.” (Bilbo Baggins, “The Fellowship of the Ring”)
- Wallis, Velma. Two Old Women (1993). An Inuit legend of courage and survival. I first read this book while spending a summer up in Alaska in 1998. Not about hiking and backpacking per se but instead about how spending time in the wilderness can remind us that when given no other choice, many of us are capable of more than we consciously realize.
(Note: In previous iterations of this post, a few folks have noted that I don’t list thru-hiking memoirs such as Cheryl Strayed’s “Wild.” It’s no great mystery or slight; as I mentioned before, that particular sub-genre is just not my cup of tea).
- Abbey, Edward, Desert Solitaire (1968): Passionate, thought-provoking vignettes about life in the wilderness of America’s Southwest:
“Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread. A civilization which destroys what little remains of the wild, the spare, the original, is cutting itself off from its origins and betraying the principle of civilization itself.”
- Fedarko, Kevin. A Walk in the Park: The True Story of a Spectacular Misadventure in the Grand Canyon (2024). I just finished this entertaining book a couple of days ago. A page-turning balance of self-deprecating humor, discovery, history, geology, and adventure set against the backdrop of one of the world’s most extraordinary (and unforgiving) natural wonders.
- Fletcher, Colin. The Thousand-Mile Summer (1964) and The Man Who Walked Through Time (1968): Over the past couple of decades, there has been an ever-increasing amount of books about long-distance backpacking. None that I’ve read are as compelling, thought-provoking, and inspirational as the works of Colin Fletcher. His book, River, about a multi-month rafting journey down the Colorado River, is equally outstanding. If I had to pick just one of Fletcher’s works, it would probably be “The Man Who Walked Through Time,” which chronicles his pioneering journey through the Grand Canyon. I read this incredible book during my Pyrenean Haute Route thru-hike in 1999:
“There is a powerful human compulsion to leave things tied up in neat little bundles. But every journey except your last has an open end. And any journey of value is above all a chapter in a personal odyssey. Its end is not so much a goal attained as another point in a continuing process. And the important thing at the end of a journey – or of a book – is to keep moving forward, refreshed, with as little pause as possible.”
- Kerouac, Jack. The Dharma Bums (1958). Possibly my favourite Kerouac novel. I first read it in the late 1990s, not coincidentally during the same period I discovered the writing of Gary Synder, who was the inspiration for one of the book’s main characters, Japhy Ryder.
“I felt like lying down by the side of the trail and remembering it all. The woods do that to you, they always look familiar, long lost, like the face of a long-dead relative, like an old dream, like a piece of forgotten song drifting across the water, most of all like golden eternities of past childhood or past manhood and all the living and the dying and the heartbreak that went on a million years ago and the clouds as they pass overhead seem to testify (by their own lonesome familiarity) to this feeling.”
- Matthiessen, Peter. The Snow Leopard. (1978). I picked up a battered paperback version of this classic book while trekking in Ladakh in 2008. Recounting the author’s search for the elusive Himalayan ‘ghost cat’ throughout Nepal’s Dolpo region, “The Snow Leopard” is ultimately a ‘journey of the heart’, that vividly captures the abiding quality of the Himalayan range and its people:
“I grow into these mountains like a moss. I am bewitched. The blinding snow peaks and the clarion air, the sound of earth and heaven in the silence, the requiem birds, the mythic beasts, the flags, great horns, and old carved stones……….Also, I love the common miracles – the murmur of my friends at evening, the clay fires of smudgy juniper, the coarse dull food, the hardship and simplicity, the contentment of doing one thing at a time.”
- Muir, John. My First Summer in the Sierra (1911) and The Yosemite (1912). The father of the conservation movement. I first read Muir’s works as a teenager growing up in Australia. More than thirty-five years later, he remains one of my favourite wilderness writers.
“After ten years of wandering and wondering in the heart of it, rejoicing in its glorious floods of light, the white beams of the morning streaming through the passes, the noonday radiance on the crystal rocks, the flush of the alpenglow, and the irised spray of countless waterfalls, it still seems above all others the Range of Light.” (The Yosemite)
- Graham, Stephen. The Gentle Art of Tramping (1927): A wonderful book for wandering spirits and outdoor enthusiasts. Written almost a century ago, it contains some memorable nuggets of wisdom, such as:
“The less you carry the more you will see, the less you spend the more you will experience.”
- Fletcher, Colin. The CompleteWalker 3 (1984). I’ve re-read CW3 a couple of times over the years. Whilst the gear sections are understandably dated, Fletcher’s dry sense of humour and his passion for the natural world remains as fresh and poignant as ever.
“If you judge safety to be the paramount consideration in life you should never, under any circumstances, go on long hikes alone. Don’t take short hikes alone, either – or, for that matter, go anywhere alone. And avoid at all costs such foolhardy activities as driving, falling in love, or inhaling air that is almost certainly riddled with deadly germs………And never, of course, explore the guts of an idea that seems as if it might threaten one of your more cherished beliefs. In your wisdom, you will probably live to be a ripe old age. But you may discover, just before you die, that you have been dead for a long, long time.” (The Complete Walker 3).
- Gros, Frederic, The Philosophy of Walking (2014). An insightful look at how the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other can affect our way of thinking and quality of life. Gros examines the essential role that walking played in the work of philosophers and writers such as Thoreau, Kant, Rimbaud, Rosseau, and Nietzsche:
- Kephart, Horace. Camping & Woodcraft (1906): Although gear may have changed, the philosophy & skills described in this wilderness classic are still relevant:
“To equip a pedestrian with shelter, bedding, utensils, food, and other necessities, in a pack so light and small that he can carry it without overstrain, is really a fine art.”
- Leopold, Aldo. A Sand County Almanac (1949). One of the foundational works of the modern environmental movement. I highly recommend Leopold’s classic book to anyone interested in the nature of human relationships with the environment (and I hope that encompasses most folks who follow this site). It’s a relatively short read, and although it was first published some 75 years ago, the themes it examines remain more relevant today than ever before.
- Thoreau, Henry David. Walden (1854) and Walking (1861): Thoreau makes the most eloquent of cases for the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of spending time in the wilderness. I especially enjoy reading Thoreau when I’m backpacking rather than when I’m indoors. The simplicity and directness of his words seem to resonate that little bit more.
- Clelland, Mike. Ultralight Backpackin’ Tips (2011) 153 tips on going lighter, courtesy of the same guy who did the excellent illustrations for Don Ladigan’s book (see below). Practical information mixed in with liberal doses of quirkiness and humour. Makes ultralight backpacking sound fun and enjoyable. Double thumbs up.
- Jardine, Ray. Beyond Backpacking (2001) and Trail Life (2009). Basically the same book with a different title. Jardine was the man who popularised the current movement towards going lighter in the early ’90s. Whilst some of his ideas may not be for everyone, there is no denying that his innovative approach is founded upon extensive personal experience in a wide range of environments.
- Ladigan, Don. Lighten Up! (2005). A very good introductory guide to lightweight and ultralight backpacking.
- Lichter, Justin & Forry, Shawn. Ultralight Winter Travel. In 2014/15, Lichter and Forry completed the first-ever winter traverse of the Pacific Crest Trail. The skills and techniques they used to accomplish this amazing feat are encapsulated in Ultralight Winter Travel, an informative guide that addresses worse-case scenarios, weather patterns, field repairs, and, of course, how to venture safely into sub-freezing conditions without carrying the proverbial kitchen sink on your back.
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Can’t believe you did not include or maybe didn’t read ALONE IN ANTARCTICA – 2013 Felicity Aston
Excellent read. Such bravery!
I haven’t read that one. Thanks for the recommendation!
Thanks for the leads. Kerouac and Abbey are great! No Fermor?
I heard of Fermor’s “A Time of Gifts” some years ago, but never got around to reading it. Thanks for the reminder!
Yes, I suppose Paddy LF’s trek from the Hook of Holland to Istanbul in the 1930s, broadly up the Rhine and down the Danube, starting out as a teenager, should be in all Libraries (outdoor section). And perhaps we’d all like to replicate his modus operandi (a few nights sleeping in hedges and otherwise roughing it, interspersed with nights in the minor palaces of Mitteleurope – I think he was from money and received numerous invitations). My criticism is about WHEN he wrote the volumes, namely about 40 years later, and he’d had some of his notes pinched. Even if his words were embellished, I suppose my doubt comes from the fact a middle-aged, post-War man was seemingly interpreting the experience of a young lad in the 1930s. And in that vein, I’d have liked rather more on his dalliances with a Romanian princess!
Brilliant selections. Thank you for this list.
There are two books Id like to suggest be added to the literature section.
I highly recommend Robin Davidson’s “Tracks” about her walk across Australia with two camels and her dog. This book was deeply inspiring to me as a woman, making me want to see more of the world and to hike solo.
The second is “On Foot Through Africa”. Another book about a woman and her often horrendous long distance walk, although it was supported, its still an amazing story. Ffyona Campbell was the first person to walk the entire length of Africa from Cape Town, South to Tangier, Morocco covering over 16,000 kilometers (9,900 miles).
Thanks for the kind words. I read Davidson’s “Tracks” soon after it was released in the 90s. Candid, thoughtful, funny, and inspiring – I enjoyed it a great deal!
You forgot “Hiking with a Donkey in the Cevannes” by Robert Louis Stevenson…..perhaps the first account of one hiking out in the wilderness……and it has some humorous moments……!!
Seems that everyone is missing some books… 😅 not me. The list is huge for someone who just started to read outdoor stuff 🤷♀️
So, i just want to leave a quick thank you. I really love your posts. Always getting a smile if there is a new one in my inbox.
I just don’t want to buy with Amazon. But still would like to support your work if I use your site to buy something. Therefore it would be great if you’d have a „drop me a few bucks donation button“ on your site. 😊
Thanks for the kind words, Angelika. Glad you enjoyed the article and the website content in general!
I’ll look into a donation button for the website in 2025. 🙂
Thank you for this wonderful list! You have provided me with hours and hours of enjoyable reading. I appreciate it.
You’re welcome. Glad you enjoyed the post!
Thanks Cam, appreciate that you included the little snippets from many, to get an idea of the writer and material.
After living in the desert southwest for several decades, Edward Abby, (and others), touch a special cord.
I’ll find the ultralight info helpful, (to over come my anxiety of freezing at night, ha), luckily, many fabrics and makers offer many that are both. Cheers,
Thanks, Scott. These sort of compilations are always very subjective, but with the variety of books in the list, hopefully there’s at least one or two titles that tweak the interest of most readers. Yep, in 2024 more than ever before, it’s possible to go UL without compromising warmth/comfort!
I’m surprised that the High Sierra Route by Steve Roper isn’t on your list. I found it both informative and entertaining.
If you want to spend time hiking in the Sierra, I also highly recommend The High Sierra Peaks, Passes, and Teails by R. J. Secor to help you plan your explorations.
Apsley Cherry-Garrard (what a name, what a guy) memoir of Scott’s doomed South Pole attempt: The Worst Journey in the World. I think he was probably a diffident young man, paid his own way. He is in the famous, although not very well framed, photo with Wilson and Bowers on their return from collecting penguin eggs. Tent blew away, minus 60F, hard core. He also found Scott’s body and continue to wrestle with disobeying the Captain’s orders in searching for them further south. But not disobeying the orders enough. Great book.
Great list thank you Cam. For me The Holy Trinity of adventure writing is The Snow Leopard, Wilfred Thesiger’s Arabian Sands (all of his books are gold) and Barry Lopez’s Arctic Dreams. While there is plenty of other great adventure/wilderness writing, TBH I can’t seem to find anything that quite gets to the Trinity’s level (though if you haven’t read it Owls of The Eastern Ice by Jonathan Slaght is an absolute cracker of a read!).
Hey Craig,
Thanks for the kind words and excellent recommendations. I just ordered “Arabian Sands” (which I hadn’t heard of before). Lopez’s book has been on my radar for a while, and I think it’s about time I read that one as well!