Trail Runners Vs. Hiking Boots: A 30 Year Perspective

From the late 1980s through to the end of the 1990s, I exclusively used hiking boots on all of my backpacking trips. They were waterproof, durable, grippy on slippery surfaces, and provided protection and stability for my feet and ankles. At the time, it was what (almost) everyone used for extended excursions into the backcountry.

As the 20th century drew to a close, I decided to try backpacking in running shoes. Inspired by Ray Jardine’s, The Pacific Crest Trail Hiker’s Handbook, I did so as part of an overall strategy to simplify and lighten my approach to spending time in the woods. The change worked out better than I could have imagined, and since the early 2000s, I have worn low-cut, non-waterproof footwear on almost all of my backpacking journeys around the world. 

The following article is divided into five parts:

1. Why choose trail running shoes over boots for three-season conditions?
2. When are boots preferable to trail runners? 
3. “Wearing Your Fears” – Examining the commonly-held belief that boots provide a greater degree of protection for your ankles than low-cut footwear while backpacking.
4. “A Piece in the Puzzle – Why your choice in footwear should be considered an integral piece of an overall lightweight backpacking strategy.
5. A list of 15 of the top trail running shoes in today’s market.

Note: For an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of hiking footwear (i.e. boots, hiking shoes, trail runners, and sandals) – see the revised and expanded, Hiking Footwear Guide.

Wind River High Route (Wyoming / October 2016) Footwear: Brooks Cascadia 10

1.    Why Choose Trail Running Shoes over Boots for Three-Season Conditions?

A.    Less Weight = More Energy

The biggest reason why many hikers switch from boots to trail runners is the weight savings. A ballpark estimate of the weight difference between a top-of-the-range pair of Brooks, Salomon, or La Sportiva trail runners and a mid-cut pair of composite (i.e. combination of synthetics and leather) hiking boots is around 40%. When compared to a pair of full-grain leather boots – which regularly tip the scales at over 1.5 kg / 3.3 lbs – the discrepancy will be double or greater. 

Whichever way you cut it, that’s a lot of weight. The difference is even more significant when you consider that weight carried on your feet is disproportionately more taxing than weight borne on your upper body. “How much more are we talking?” According to the old adage, which supposedly originated during Hillary’s 1953 Everest expedition, each pound (0.45kg) on your feet equates to at least five pounds (2.3kg) on your back.

Having hiked and backpacked more than 10,000 miles (16,093 km) in boots and many times more in lighter, low-cut footwear, I can unequivocally vouch for the veracity of this axiom. When I’m wearing trail runners I move more freely and efficiently and cover greater distances with no extra effort. In comparison, when I hike in boots it feels like I’ve got weights strapped to my feet, and at the end of a long day my legs are invariably wearier and my dogs are usually barking.   

The Cocuy Circuit in the Colombian Andes (2015) | (Footwear: Brooks Cascadia 8)

B.   Out of the Box and onto the Trail

Compared to boots, trail running shoes are more flexible and require little to no break-in time. In contrast, boots have a more rigid structure and it’s advisable to wear them in slowly, graduating from short walks around the neighbourhood, to day hikes, and eventually to multi-day excursions. This particularly holds true for full-grain leather models. Many hikers have paid the price in the form of painful blisters for not breaking in their boots properly before a backpacking trip.

Badlands Traverse (South Dakota 2016) – Footwear: Brooks Cascadia 10

C.    Breathable Over Waterproof

One of the backpacking world’s most enduring misconceptions is that you should wear waterproof footwear. Almost all composite hiking boots sport a waterproof membrane. In regard to hiking shoes and trail runners, you can normally choose between either a non-waterproof or Gore-Tex (or equivalent) version. Many folks opt for the latter.

The thing is about all this waterproofness is that you don’t need it. Indeed, it’s been my experience that a waterproof liner is a net negative for three-season hiking. It impedes a shoe’s breathability and drying time, and due to the fact that your feet will be sweating more inside of waterproof shoes, you are more likely to incur blisters than you are wearing non-waterproof models. It’s also worth noting that just like with your rain jackets and rain pants, waterproof membranes only work for a limited amount of time. Before you know it, you’ll be spraying and rubbing up a storm hoping for a Lazarus-like revival, only to realize what many others before you have discovered – that the term “waterproof” is more of a marketing sales point than a reality when it comes to backpacking gear.

Approaching Southwest Tasmania’s Eastern Arthurs via the notoriously boggy Farmhouse Creek Track | Tasmania, 2015. Footwear:  Altra Lone Peak 2 (Note: This was the one and only time I wore Altras during an extended trip in extreme conditions. They started falling apart in less than 50 mi/80 km).

Lake Roe on the exceedingly muddy Dusky Track | Fiordland, New Zealand 2010. Footwear: Montrail Hardrocks (RIP) – To this day they remain my all-time favourite trail running shoes.

D.    Versatility

When it comes to hiking footwear there is no panacea – no one model to rule them all. Whether you are talking about boots, trail runners, hiking shoes or sports sandals, each has its advantages and disadvantages. But of all the different options available, non-waterproof trail runners are the most versatile in three-season conditions.

Irrespective of whether I’m hiking in a desert, alpine region, or coastal environment, over the years I’ve found that trail runners provide me with a Goldilocks balance of support, stability, breathability, and traction. While waterproof boots may delay the inevitable and keep my feet drier for longer in wet conditions, their impermeability combined with the fact that they weigh so much more means that they are overkill for every backcountry scenario except for below-freezing snowbound terrain.

Rambling along the Colorado Trail, September 2015. Footwear: Brooks Cascadia 9

E.   When to opt for hiking shoes instead of trail runners?

“Hiking shoes” are basically a hybrid of synthetic/leather boots and trail running shoes. They have a low-cut profile like the latter but boast similar – though usually slightly less robust – materials in the upper, midsole, and outsole to the former.

Even though I prefer trail running shoes in most situations, I still occasionally break out my Merrell Moab2 Ventilator hiking shoes for extended trips in rugged environments such as the traverses of Southwest Tasmania and Bolivia’s Altiplano. Why? Because the combination of a more rigid midsole, a grippier and stouter outsole, and a reinforced and more durable upper, means that irrespective of the conditions I know that the Moab Ventilators will last me at least 800 mi (1,287 km); as opposed to trail runners which normally need to be retired after 500 mi (805 km). That extra durability means one less thing to worry about in places in which the chances of finding quality replacement footwear are non-existent. To my way of thinking, that fact alone makes them worth the small weight penalty compared to trail runners in such scenarios.

Southwest Tasmania Traverse (2016) | One of the more challenging aspects of this trip was negotiating the slippery, wave-pounded gulches that dot Tasmania’s pristine western coastline. Footwear: Merrell Moab2 Ventilators

2.   When are Boots Preferable to Trail Runners?

I generally wear mid-cut waterproof boots when hiking for extended stretches in below-freezing snowy conditions, where keeping my feet dry is a priority due to the risk of frostbite. When doing so I’ll layer my socks (e.g. a thin merino liner under a wool blend medium weight), and wear full-length eVent gaiters to keep the snow from entering in the top of my boots. For an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of both leather and composite hiking boots see, “The Hiking Footwear Guide.”

“Hold on, don’t waterproof membranes such as Gore-Tex “wet out” after extended exposure to the elements?”

Yes. However, when temps are consistently well below freezing the snow has relatively low liquid water content, so “wetting out” takes longer than it would if you were hiking in the rain and mud all day. In “dry snow“, your feet are more likely to become wet because of perspiration, which will condense inside the boot because the vapour has nowhere to go. This is due to the inherent lack of breathability of Gore-tex liners, combined with the fact that the surface material of the upper is saturated.

The Cascade Mountains, Oregon (January 2015). Footwear: Montrail Sabino Trail Mid-cut GTX (no longer made).

What about Trail Running Shoes in Winter and/or Late Shoulder Season Conditions?

An alternative system that I have used both hiking and snowshoeing in sub-freezing, snowy environments is a combination of thin (or medium) merino wool socks, Gore-Tex oversocks, non-waterproof trail running shoes, and full-length eVent gaiters. The theory behind this system is that the Gore-Tex socks rather than the footwear provide the waterproofness which will keep your feet warm and dry. If using this technique it is important that before going to sleep at night, you place your wet shoes inside a plastic bag or stuff sack, which you then put inside your backpack. This will prevent your shoes from being frozen solid by morning.

The summit of Mount Moosilauke, New Hampshire | Early November 2012 | During my southbound hike of the AT (October 17 – December 28) there was quite a bit of snow around and the temps were often well below freezing. During that trip, I regularly went with the trail runner/waterproof socks combo and my feet stayed comfortable(ish) throughout.

Stubai Horseshoe | Austria, late October 2019 (Footwear: Brooks Cascadia 14/Montbell Gore-Tex socks)

3.  Wearing Your Fears 

“Packing your fears” is a well-known expression in the US hiking community. It basically means carrying more (and/or heavier) items than necessary just in case things don’t go as expected while you’re out in the wilderness. Common examples include a sleeping bag that isn’t seasonally appropriate, a bulky four-season tent, too many clothes, too much food, a paramedic-worthy first aid kit, too much water, and, you guessed it, hiking boots for three-season conditions.

In regard to the last example, there remains a widely held belief in the backpacking world that boots offer a level of protection for your ankles that low-cut footwear doesn’t provide in rugged terrain. It’s a notion that has been perpetuated not only by boot manufacturers, but also in certain backpacking books, forums, websites, walking clubs, Scout groups, and hiking YouTube videos. The trouble is that not only there is no conclusive scientific research to back up this theory, but almost all of the folks that claim it to be true are just regurgitating what they’ve read or heard elsewhere. Very few that make the argument have actually spent an extended period of time hiking in a wide range of environments wearing both types of footwear. 

Gazing out at the Salar de Uyuni while descending Volcan Tunupa  | Altiplano Traverse, Bolivia 2017 (Footwear: Merrell Moab Ventilators)

After more than three decades of regularly using both boots and low-cut hiking shoes, I believe that the former holds no real advantage over the latter when it comes to preventing sprains and strains. In fact, I’ll go a step further and say that the chances of you turning an ankle actually increase when you’re wearing boots while backpacking. Speaking of which……….

Three Reasons Why You are More Likely to Fall Arse over Teakettle While Wearing Hiking Boots

1.  Connectivity

Compared to boots, trail runners sport a more flexible, lower-to-the-ground sole, that promotes a higher degree of connectivity with terra firma (i.e. you have a better feel for the ground that you’re traversing). This heightened sense of tactile awareness means that you are better able to adapt to variations in terrain, and in so doing instinctively avoid some of the foot placement issues that occur when wearing cumbersome boots.

The summit of Monte Cinto (2,706 m / 8,878 ft) | A memorable side trip to the highest point of Corsica on the GR20 | France 2009. Footwear: Montrail Hardrocks

2.   Weight Takes its Toll  

As mentioned above, the extra weight of boots takes a bigger toll on your energy levels, and the more tired legs your legs are, the greater the chance of falls and mishaps occurring. This discrepancy may not seem like a big deal when you’re trying on different footwear at your local outdoor retailer, but extrapolate the weight penalty over the course of a full hiking day, and it most definitely adds up.

3.  Restricted Range of Movement

The combination of a stiff sole unit and a calf-tickling upper means that boots limit your natural range of foot and ankle movement. This lack of flexibility impacts your gait, and over an extended period of time can lead to a weakening of the tendons and muscles that support the ankle, thereby compromising stability and control when negotiating variations in terrain.   

Snowshoeing in the Cascade Mountains, Oregon, January 2015 (Footwear: Merrell Moab Ventilator)

FAQ from those that still aren’t convinced……… 

Don’t higher cut boots provides you with a greater degree of protection against jagged rocks, spiny plants, and protruding sticks? What about snake bites when hiking in places such as Australia?” 

There’s no denying that low-cut hiking footwear leaves your ankle bone exposed. That said, no type of footwear is going to tick every box for every occasion. And if given the choice between the enhanced agility and freedom of mobility provided by trail runners (or hiking shoes) versus the occasionally-relevant protective quality of boots, I’ll go with the former benefits every time in three-season conditions. During decades of off-trail hiking, I’ve taken a bunch of knocks and scrapes to the ankle but never once has it caused me to prematurely finish a trip; generally, I’ll just mutter a few swear words, shake it off, and keep walking. As for snakes, as long as you take some basic precautions, you’ve got more chance of getting hit by a car than bitten by a snake while backpacking. 

Larapinta Trail, Northern Territory 2010 | Footwear: Montrail Hardrocks

“I’ve worn leather hiking boots for years. They fit like a glove, and never once have I sprained or broken an ankle while backpacking. Why would I change?” 

For many hikers, the snug feeling of a well-fitting pair of boots brings with it a sense of security. Indeed, some studies suggest that boots provide backpackers with pre-existing ankle issues increased proprioceptive input, which may help in limiting the severity and frequency of future ankle rolls. To those folks I would say the following – give hiking shoes a try. They cost about the same as trail runners but provide similar support and traction to synthetic/leather boots in a lighter, less bulky package. What have you got to lose? Best-case scenario, you may find what others before you have discovered; that the lighter feeling on your feet combined with a lighter load on your back (see below) gives you a renewed lease of hiking life.  Worst-case scenario? You’ll be out $100-$140. Considering the potential gains, that strikes me as being a chance worth taking.

Cape Wrath Trail, Scotland 2018. Footwear: Brooks Cascadia 12

“Trail runners and hiking shoes might be fine for those well-groomed trails in the States or the Alps, but they wouldn’t cut it in the bush back home in Australia and New Zealand.”

I couldn’t resist including this one. Over the decades, I’ve been told on multiple occasions that I was wearing the wrong footwear for harsh environments such as Fiordland, central Australia, and southwest Tassie. Generally, when I hear this sort of comment I just nod along and continue on my way. However, when someone seems genuinely interested in why I’m wearing low-cut footwear and carrying a much lighter pack than most other folks, I’ll take the time to explain my choices. And when those curious backpackers subsequently discover that I too spent years trudging along in boots and carrying full-to-the-brim 80-litre canvas packs in these very same environments, they realize that “hey, maybe this bloke isn’t speaking out of his arse after all.”

To be clear, I’m not saying that boots don’t work in these places – of course, they do. But so do lighter, less cumbersome, well-constructed trail runners and hiking shoes. And having hiked a shedload in all three types of footwear, I can tell you unequivocally that I far prefer the latter two models in almost every respect.

Australia’s mud-slogging capital – Southwest Tasmania (2002).

A dampish final day on the Five Passes Route | Fiordland, New Zealand, 2010. Footwear: Montrail Hardrocks

“Can you recommend any other sources on the subject?”

Yes. Check out the website of Chris Townsend. One of the backpacking world’s most respected authorities, the Scotland-based Townsend has been hiking all over the globe since the seventies, and as with myself, spent the initial years of his hiking life in boots. He made the switch to low-cut footwear when he hiked the Pacific Crest Trail in the 1980s and hasn’t looked back since. See his piece Why Lightweight Footwear? for an excellent overview of the subject. Here are some other articles that may be of interest:

Hiking off-trail in Montana’s Beartooth Range (2016) | Footwear: Brooks Cascadia 10

4.   A Piece in the Puzzle

“Choose the style of footwear that is appropriate for the activity you are undertaking. I have mid-cut composite boots for Tasmania in winter, and hiking shoes and trail runners for other times of the year. Most of us have more than one tent, sleeping bag, stove, etc, so why think that one pair of shoes will manage every hike? A lighter pack and lighter footwear make you more nimble and less weary so that you are less likely to trip/fall and injure yourself.”

~ Allan Donnelly (Podiatrist), Veteran Australian Bushwalker and Founder of QCity Podiatry 

Boot wearers generally carry big packs. Most of them believe that in order to bear the load safely, you need something equally robust on your feet. And to a certain degree, they are not that far from the truth.

The heavier that you and your pack are, the more cushioning and support you will likely require in order to bear the load safely. Put simply, if you’re in shape and regularly carrying a lightweight pack (e.g. total weight under 10 kg/22 lb), the wearing of trail runners or hiking shoes becomes a more viable option. If on the other hand, you are almost always hauling an unnecessarily heavy load (e.g. total weight above 20 kg/44 lb), then the extended use of lighter, less supportive footwear can potentially contribute to repetitive stress injuries such as Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and stress fractures. This especially holds true for heavier folks, who according to the Podiatry Institute, are more susceptible to foot and balance issues and may require additional cushioning and support in their footwear.

Tip: Proactiveness:  If you have pre-existing health conditions but are determined to go with lightweight footwear, your cause will be helped significantly by being proactive. In addition to lightening your pack load, make a concerted effort to shed any excess kilos, improve your balance, and “prehab” your ankles (i.e. Prevent and rehabilitate ankle sprains through mobility and stability exercises).

Thru-hiking legend, Justin “Trauma” Lichter | Copper Canyon Traverse, Mexico 2013 | During this mostly off-trail 23-day route, Justin and I negotiated extremely rugged terrain and made hundreds of river crossings. We both wore trail running shoes – Justin wore Vasque Pendulum 2 and yours truly Montrail Sabino Trail (no longer made).

5.   15 Trail Running Shoe Recommendations (alphabetical order)

Not all trails are created equal and neither are all trail running shoes. Components such as heel-to-toe drop, traction, stack height, weight, toebox width, midsole rigidity, and the degree of reinforcement in the upper, may all differ significantly between models. Which pair(s) you ultimately go with depends on both the environmental conditions in which you plan to do most of your rambling, as well as personal factors such as foot type, injury history, and pack and body weight. Without further ado, here are 15 of the most widely recommended trail running shoes for hiking and backpacking:

  • Altra Lone Peak 4.5 – Men’s (21 oz / 0.6 kg) and Women’s (17 oz / 0.48 kg) – Very comfortable, zero drop, roomy toebox, and more cushioning and support than its stablemate, the Altra Superiors (Note: But not as much as the Altra Olympus 3.5). Over the past six years, I’ve regularly used the Lone Peaks on well-groomed trails where abrasion-resistance and traction aren’t significant factors.
  • Altra Superior 4 – Men’s (15.8 oz / 0.45 kg) and Women’s (13.2 oz / 0.37 kg) – Gossamer weight, zero drop, voluminous toe box, and blink-and-it’s-gone tread. As with all models in the Altra catalogue, they aren’t the greatest in rugged terrain. That said, long-time hiking buddy, Greg “Malto” Gressel, swears by the Superiors irrespective of the environment in which he’s backpacking. He also rates spam as his all-time favourite trail food, so I’m not sure how much stock I’d put in his opinion (just joking…….not really).

Greg “Malto” Gressel and his beloved Altra Superiors | Long Crossing of the Lofoten Islands, Norway, 2018.

  • Brooks Caldera 4 – Men’s (23 oz / 0.65 kg) and Women’s (20.6 oz / 0.58 kg) – Possibly the most comfortable trail running shoe I’ve tried. Not as good stability-wise in rough conditions as the Brooks Cascadia, but the Calderas are what I’d wear if I was to thru-hike the Pacific Crest Trail or Continental Divide Trail again.
  • Brooks Cascadia 14 – Men’s (21.4 oz / 0.61 kg) and Women’s (19 oz / 0.54 kg) – A very good “all-rounder” that provides mixed-surface traction and stability out in the woods but also offers sufficient support and cushioning for the occasional cross-over on to the roads. A neutral shoe suitable for hikers with medium-volume feet. My go-to choice in trail runners for many years. Click here for a long-term review.

Winter in Mexico’s Sierra Madre | Footwear: Brooks Cascadia 14

  • Hoka One One Speedgoat 4 – Men’s (21.6 oz / 0.61 kg) and Women’s (18.4 oz /0.52 kg) – Narrow fit, grippy sole, 32mm stack height is a boon for folks looking for lots of cushioning. The flip side of all that padding is that the Speedgoats aren’t typically suitable for off-trail excursions.
  • Inov-8 Terraultra G260 – Men’s (18 oz / 0.51 kg) and Women’s (18 oz / 0.51 kg) – Lightweight, zero drop, great traction, and consistently scores high marks for its durability. Inov8 is a UK-based company whose trail running shoes have a long-established following among British fell runners and lightweight backpackers.
  • La Sportiva Bushido 2 Men’s (21 oz / 0.6 kg) and Women’s (17.6 oz / 0.5 kg ) – Durable, stable, aggressive outsole – excellent for rough and varied terrain. Not a great deal of cushioning and a very narrow last; best suited to low-volume feet.
  • La Sportiva Ultra Raptor – Men’s (24 oz / 0.69 kg) and Women’s (21 oz / 0.6 kg) – Technical trail runner with superb grip, stability, and support. The Ultra Raptor sports a durable toe cap and rock plate, and offers noticeably more cushioning than the Bushidos, but not as much as the La Sportiva Akyra and Akasha (Note: I recently splashed out for a pair of the Akashas which I plan to use extensively over the coming months in Mexico’s Sierra Madre. Stay tuned for a review sometime in 2032).
  • La Sportiva Wildcats: Men’s (25 oz / 0.71 kg) and Women’s (21 oz / 0.61 kg) – Moderate cushioning and aggressive tread. As you’d expect, the all-mesh upper dries very quickly but isn’t as resistant to abrasion as the other La Sportiva models mentioned above. I used a pair of Wildcats during 2014/15 and got around 450 mi (724 km) out of them in a variety of different terrains. I found them responsive and comfortable but ultimately returned to the Brooks Cascadia, which were (and continue to be) a better fit for my feet. 

Before Malto started using Altras, his trail running shoe of choice was the La Sportiva Wildcat. Here he is putting the shoe’s “quick-drying” qualities to the test on the Northville Placid Trail | Adirondack Mountains, New York, October 2015.

  • New Balance Minimus 10V1Men’s (14.8 oz / 0.42 kg) and Women’s (12.6 oz / 0.36 kg) – As the name suggests, this one is for hikers that value tactile feedback over cushioning and support. Very breathable, feather-light, 4 mm drop, and a sticky Vibram outsole. Not known for their durability, which is no surprise given their minimalist design.
  • Nike Wildhorse 6Men’s (22.8 oz / 0.65 kg) and Women’s (17.6 oz / 0.5 kg) Stable heel-counter, anatomically-shaped upper, full rock-plate, and an updated outsole. Compared to its lighter sister shoe, the Nike Terra Kiger, the Wildhorse has more cushioning, better durability, a wider toebox, and is overall is the superior choice for rugged terrain.
  • Salomon XA Pro 3D – Men’s (26.5 oz / 0.75 kg) and Women’s (21.2 oz / 0.6 kg) – Compared to the Salomon X Ultra 3’s mentioned below, the XA Pro’s offer similar support, stability, and durability, but not as much cushioning and traction in rough conditions. Salomon’s patented “Quicklace system” is not for everyone. Suitable for medium-volume feet.

Paul “Mags” Magnanti climbing the talus slopes of Mount Peal in the La Sals | Footwear: Salomon X Ultra 3 | Click here to read Mags’ long term review (Photo courtesy of Joan West and

  • Salomon X Ultra 3 Low Aero: – Men’s (25.8 oz / 0.73 kg) and Women’s (22.4 oz / 0.64 kg) – As much a hiking shoe as they are a trail runner, the Ultra 3’s offer excellent stability, a durable upper, and an aggressive outsole. Over the last couple of years, they have become the “all-purpose” footwear of choice for backpacking doyen Paul “Mags” Magnanti (Note: For mellow, well-groomed trails, Mags prefers the Altra Superiors).
  • Saucony Peregrine 10 Men’s (21.4 oz / 0.61 kg ) and Women’s (18.6 oz / 0.53 ) – Low-to-the-ground, rock plate in the forefoot, and the aggressive traction for which the Peregrines have always been known. Minimal cushioning and mixed reports in regard to its durability, though supposedly the 10th edition is an improvement over recent incarnations (Note: I have medium-volume feet and found the Peregrine’s to be too narrow for my liking).
  • Topo Athletic Terraventure 2Men’s (21.4 oz / 0.61 kg ) and Women’s (18.6 oz / 0.53 ) – Wide toebox, snug heel and midfoot, 3 mm drop, and a sticky Vibram outsole. This edition is slightly heavier and firmer than its predecessor, and from most reports, has addressed some of the latter’s durability issues.

Tip: Change Things Up Occasionally: A common element in many hiking-related injuries is repetitive movement. This particular holds true if all (or most) of your hiking is done on well-groomed, flattish trails. One way of mitigating repetitive stress on the muscles and joints is by rotating multiple types of hiking footwear, which can result in your muscles and joints being worked in subtly different ways.  

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52 Replies to “Trail Runners Vs. Hiking Boots: A 30 Year Perspective”

  1. Finally! I feel so validated for my preference of trail runners vs. hiking boots! Granted, I live in the South and most of my hiking is done on pine needles in the forest vs. rugged terrain. But even when I’ve ventured to other parts of the country to hike, I’ve just felt more steady in my shoes. Thank you for the update on footwear in the 21st Century!

  2. Totally agree – My leather Asolos went to the local thrift shop once I started using trail runners; they were quality and will serve someone well. My feet are much happier. However, one drawback to low cut footwear – mud bogs! Much easier for a trail runner to slip off in knee deep mud, than a hiking boot. Much harder to find it when it does. Avoid the mud bogs! I still use my mids for off trail hiking in Alaska.

    Another comment on this – people who use trail runners still get blisters or other foot issues. Maybe not as often, but they do still happen and you still have to watch for hot spots. When I first started using them, I was surprised by this because the accolades for trail runners seemed to say that with the switch to this lightweight footwear, you’d solve all your issues. It still depends on so many other factors, shoe fit, persistent wetness, type of sock, etc. Also trail runners wear out much more quickly than the old leather bombers so you have to buy more frequently, which is a pain because manufacturers are always changing styles. But I wouldn’t go back.

  3. Thanks for the thorough article about boots v trail runners. I switched to trail runners about 10 years ago and love them. I do think a lightweight boot like the Salomon X Ultra Mid 3 Gore-Tex Hikers, even though they weigh more, requires less effort if you are hiking mostly off trail in loose scree and talus. I did the Wind River High Route a couple years ago and took light boots instead of runners. I’m glad I did. Of course, I could have done it in runners, but the boots offer much better traction and stability off the trail.

    1. I have used both boots and trail running shoes. No doubt running shoes are less tiring, but I always get more blisters with trail runners than I do boots. I spent some 20 years as a mountain guide wearing heavy mountaineering boots, so light weight Asolo boots feel wonderfully light in comparison. Feet and body mechanics are not the same for all— if boots feel better in terms of fewer blisters, go with boots.

  4. Great, informative article Cam, and you make many good points & debates on the old reasons we still hear re. heavy boots. As you mentioned, weight carried makes a difference on footwear, but only so much.
    I was wearing many hiking shoes that Vasque, Oboz & others are making, but then switched to the Topo Terraventure 2 and they have made the biggest difference in gear of anything in years. Topo now has a low boot-type based on the Terraventure, called the Trailventure, just a couple inches taller w a few more laces, (still 13 oz. for M ( US). Btw, Tony Post, founder & CEO of Topo), was with Vibram when they came out with the Five Fingers.

    I 2nd your comments re. ground awareness, feel, balance, more connected with a lower, lighter, more flexible shoe. My ankles have become even stronger, as I do lots of off-trail scrambling. I do recommend those wanting to make the switch to walk barefoot as much as possible, to keep ones feet strong, and flexible, (and ground after hiking:). My feet are less sore, healthier, and as you mentioned, I can cover more ground with less effort. Of course, staying present while hiking will prevent incidence & injury which can happen with any type footwear. Happy trails,S2

    1. Hey Scott,

      Thanks for the comment. That’s a great point about walking barefoot as much as possible; I couldn’t agree more.

      Re: Topo Terraventure 2 – I have a couple of mates who swear by them as well. I wouldn’t mind giving them a try myself in the coming months.



  5. I shifted to trail runners 10 years ago when we moved to northern NM. I have to wear boots for SAR work, but that’s the only time I wear them other than winter. Totally agree with proprioception benefits. I’ve always had strong ankles/knees/legs and boots make me feel unsafe. I wear a size 11.5/12, depending on the shoe, have a low volume foot with a wide forefoot and narrow heel. I HATE marshmallow soles like the Hokas. The Altras LonePeaks feel OK, but the slip & slide flap at the rear of the heel is dangerous descending loose skree and the sole isn’t aggressive enough (but still wears quickly). LaSportiva’s are OK, but always break through at the flex point on the top of the shoe. Nike & Salomon are lovely and I envy people who can wear them, but they are built for pointy-toed Europeans (like Sidi cycling shoes). Which brings me to Saucony Peregrines – my shoe! Perfect fit for me once again in Peregrine 10. I started with them years ago and they got worse and worse. The minimalist build added a marshmallow sole, indifferent manufacturing standards and a lug that was too high/deep. The 10’s are back to the adroit, tactile feel I love. Never interested in Brooks and the Inov-8’s look like they’re trying too hard.

    1. “Nike and Salomon are built for pointy-toed Europeans“………..this line had me chuckling. Thanks for the comment.

  6. “According to the old adage, which supposedly originated during Hillary’s 1953 Everest expedition, each pound (0.45kg) on your feet equates to at least five pounds (2.3kg) on your back.”

    I’m curious about this statement. A mechanical engineer friend cannot see any basis for it.

    Doesn’t seem right to me when I think about how it feels to carry an extra gallon of water.

  7. Hi Cam,
    I wanted to ask your opinion on two points in particular:

    Would you also take trail runners on more technical terrain like high routes, light climbing and via ferratas? In fact I have a via ferrata trip upcomming and am wondering which footware to take. Aside from stiff alpine boots I own both the Merrell Trail glove 4 and Merrell Moabs. I’ve found the stiff soles of mountaineering boots quite well suited for easy climbing and have previously used them on via ferratas. I’m afraid I won’t be able to do that with trail runners though trail runners would be just so much more comfortable. Perhaps the Moabs are the way to go. Do you have experience here?

    How do you pair trail runners snowshoes or crampons? Again the stiff sole seems paramount for good force transfer.

    For hiking, especially long distance hiking, I fully agree with using trail runners – no question there!

    1. Hi Ray,

      In regard to your questions:

      1. It depends on the model. Personally I wouldn’t want to use Altras on high routes/Via Ferratas, but over the past decade, I have successfully taken trail runners from Brooks, Montrail, and La Sportiva on such trips without issue.

      2. I haven’t used the Trail Gloves, but I’d feel comfortable going with the Moabs on High Routes/Via Ferrata.

      3. For snowshoeing, I tend to go back and forward between mid-cut boots and the durable trail runners/Gore-Tex socks combo. As for crampons, I think it largely depends on the angle of the terrain. For low-angle (or even moderate) terrain, trail runners can be a viable option, but when things get steeper, heavier/stouter/stiff-edged boots are the way to go. In both cases, when the temps are well below freezing, I’ll generally go with boots over trail runners for warmth.



      1. Regarding trail runners & crampons, (& I’ll bet Cam would have added this?), you probably only want to go with flexible ones like Katlooa micro-spikes or Hillsound trail crampons, which stay on the shoe well, but of course, won’t give you the true protection & support of real boots & crampons. I found that combo fairly effective in most conditions, (except hard-packed ice), as long as the sole of the runner is fairly stiff & crampons fit snugly. Generally, spikes are only 1/2 as long & not as sharp.

  8. I agree with the waterproof boots are no good. I did a 50 mile hike with goretex boots and within the first mile took a bad step on a beaver dam and had a boot full of water. 49 more miles with no way to dry out the boots. One good thing, it is a great way to exfoliate your feet. I try to tell evryone I know not to get waterproof boots.
    I am not so sure on the low cut running shoe Idea, I sprained and ankle while in the Army (while wearing high on the ankle leather boots – I was infantry). and have been leary of trying low cut shoes on the trail.

  9. Cam, love your work. Would love to get on some of the USA routes you discuss. This is a very tactical question, but your answer will be insightful: what sort of footwear would you (or did you) wear on the Larapinta?

    1. Hi Craig,

      Thanks for the kind words.

      I hiked the Larapinta in 2010 and wore Montrail Hardrocks (no longer made). If I was to make a return visit, I’d wear trail runners again.



  10. Disaster!! Great post, but….. I tried the trail runner approach on a 5 day trek in the UK this summer but found it impossible to keep my feet dry during 3 wet days. Even when it was dry, a field of wet grass was enough to get wet feet in trail runners. Result… blisters. I could not dry the trainers (Brookes Cascadia) or my socks overnight while camping wild. Any suggestions on combating/minimising the impact of wet feet? Also what socks do you use?

    Many thanks


  11. Cam,
    I do like that you provided some context when higher boots may be beneficial. But…

    I tried the change from Solomon Quest 4D 3 GTX to Solomon XA Pro’s. That along with much lighter gear had me skipping merrily…uh, I mean manly-gallivanting up and down the trail. It was an easy trip up to the Green Lake area outside Bridgeport, but the change was unmistakable. I felt like I could pirouette.

    But then, a few months later on a simple hike (with no pack) out and back from lookout above Mammoth Lake, I hit a bit of loose gravel bam, my ankle gave out as I tried to catch myself. The outside side of my ankle literally touched the ground. I hobbled back to the car not letting my kiddo or friends know I was in excruciating pain.

    I’ve been prone to high ankle sprangs my whole life since my late teen (so ~30 years now). I’ve gone to physical therapy and the docs and techs have said my ligaments are all loose and stretched out from so many. Even after weeks of therapy and ankle-strengthening exercises, they have warned me and recommended ankle support (this was maybe 5 years before the change to lower shoes mentioned above).

    So after the Mammoth trip and a couple weeks of recovery (the sprang wasn’t bad), I did ~30 miles around Thousand Island Lake/Garnet Lake and that area with my big ol Solomon boots. Oh man, it was good to have the support again. Instead of gallivanting, I just tore over whatever terrain was in front of me. For me, it was the difference between my wife’s cute SUV and my beat up truck. I just went and didn’t worry about what was under foot. I was carful not to step in water that went above the top of the boot, though, as always.

    During that trip had several times where my foot caught a rock, but because the boot transferred the motion up to my leg, the roll wasn’t as bad, my whole leg was able to support the off-camber footing, and it gave me time to simply recover and move on. If I had done that in the low-cut Solomon runners, I would have had a real hard time going on.

    I’m about to embark on another 20+ mile trip from Saddlebag lake area and will be wearing the boots. I have no worries about being able to handle it with the ‘extra weight’ on my feet.

    To each is own. I’ll keep hiking my hikes. You need to know yourself. If your ankles can handle the low cut shoes, then go for it. If you are prone to sprangs, then maybe choose a higher cut shoe if that makes you feel more comfortable. Don’t be susceptible to peer pressure. Many of these writers who promote the runnders do this for a living and are in much better shape than those of us who work in an office most of our time and likely don’t work out much. That’s me. Work, family, chores; there’s only so many hours in the day and I can’t fit it all in.

    To make up for the additional weight on my feet, I do some medium-weight, high-count squats. And, before a trip I’ll make a point to get out and do some aerobic walking in the hilled streets or trails around my house. That really helped me prep for the Thousand Island Lake trip.

    1. Hi Ed,

      Thanks for the message. As you say – ‘to each their own’. If you ultimately feel more comfortable in boots after having tried low-cut/lighter weight models, than that’s what you should keep hiking in.



  12. I happily use both trail runners and boots depending on the terrain, but generally prefer light Scarpa boots for long distance trekking and mountains where you’re not always on paths.

    Having followed this topic for years, one observation I have is that the people who are the strongest advocates for trail runners (Townsend, Skurka, etc) all hike thousands of miles a year. Nobody ever mentions how much tougher/stronger your feet and ankles are if you’re doing this kind of mileage. Strong feet are a large part of being able to comfortably cover big distances in a day.

    Your feet can take a real battering in trail runners when covering long distances, especially on rough ground where the rocks poke through the sole and all the muscles are constantly moving. With very strong feet and ankles this is far less of an issue and the appeal of lighter/softer/cooler trail runners is further increased.

    1. I wear Scarpa Zodiacs Plus or Tech for most of my trekking and while they’re not as light as trail runners I own they’re very comfortable and secure. They’re also among the lightest trekking boots out there while giving excellent protection against rocks, rough terrain etc. Unless it’s a fine summer day on a light trail then I rarely think they’re too heavy.

      I’d love a pair of Mammut Taiss Lights but they don’t come in my size so the Zodiacs will have to do. I hike about 20-25km per week, almost every week. Rain wind or snow.. I simply don’t have time for more hikes no matter how much I light like to because life gets in the way.

      If I want something lighter than the Scarpas then I have some options from Inov-8. The G series is a solid contender for those looking for a hybrid boot /trail runner.

  13. 30 years? That’s a lot of perspective right there. Shared this post with the group over at Hiking in Australia & New Zealand. 🙂

  14. Thank you for this excellent piece! I have one issue/question though, which is regarding durability. Given that hiking gear can be quite expensive, many of us opt for durable gear. It is easier to justify an expensive tent if you know that it will last you 15 years. As for trail runners, they seem to have far less durability than hiking boots. This is of course means a higher cost, but also higher consumption and waste, in terms of environmental concerns. Are there any trail runners you could recommend that perform better than others on durability? Or is it just an inevitable trade-off when switching materials for something lighter and more flexible?

    1. Hi Martin,

      Thanks for your comment. You are correct in regard to the durability of trail runners vs boots. To some extent, it is definitely a trade-off. For most folks who are hiking on the occasional weekend or going for a week-long trip during their annual vacation, an average pair of trail running shoes may last them two or three years. For those that are hiking regularly and/or doing longer trips, the lifespan of their trail runners will be shorter.

      As for longer-lasting models, as I mention in the article, slightly heavier hiking shoes will generally be more durable than trail runners. I’ve personally had good experiences with Merrell Moabs. The Salomon X Ultra 3 Low Aero is another model which is known for its durability.



  15. Hi Cam,
    Not sure if you can help me with this… My soon to be 15 year-old son will be going to Philmont with his troop for a 10-day trek this June. Much to the chagrin of other adults, we are considering trail runners for this trek, since several Scouters have recommended them on recent posts online about Philmont. (I am looking at the Altra Lone Peak 5) He has never backpacked for more than three nights at a time or carried the weight that he will end up having once all the crew gear is distributed. We are trying to get his base weight under 17 lbs. What are your thoughts?

    Thanks in advance for your opinion.

    1. Hi Zena,
      I think you’re definitely on the right track. In this day and age, you can easily achieve a base weight of 12-15lbs without sacrificing comfort, safety, and performance. On the contrary, as long as you go with quality items that are suitable for the environment into which you are heading, it will only enhance your wilderness experience. It doesn’t have to break the bank either, as there are plenty of excellent lightweight and ultra-lightweight budget gear options on the market.
      All the best,

  16. I think if a European read this article, their head might explode! Been trending towards lighter footwear over the years and love it. Currently rocking Pearl Izumi trail runners. We moved to Switzerland 3 years ago from AZ, and it’s quite remarkable how the Euros really push super heavy footwear. My wife and I day hike quite a bit in the Alps and are usually some of the very few wearing trail runners. It’s made me doubt myself more than once.
    Thanks so much for this article and the reassuring logic behind lighter shoes!

  17. Very informative, also the comments.
    Is there a reason to get on the trail runner wagon in stead of the normal running shoes?
    Some great examples in the past used running shoes, not trail shoes.
    Emma Gatewood (another league maybe), Ray Jardine, Billy Goat,…

    1. Hi Steven,

      Thanks for the kind words. Trail running shoes – at least high-quality models – really come into their own in off-trail/rugged terrain. If all one’s hiking is done on manicured trails with lightweight loads, then chances are you’ll be fine in normal running shoes most of the time.

      The three people you mentioned are certainly well known (and in the case of Billy Goat a long-time friend), but to the best of my knowledge, most of their big trips have been done on well-established trails, such as the Triple Crown hikes. Add that to the fact that all three carry very light loads (particularly Ray and GG) and you can understand why they have gone with running shoes (Note: I don’t think Trail Runners existed back in GG’s day).



  18. In defense of the evil hiking boot – you might give a shout out to the excellent and under reported Inov8 Rocklite 400 – as in 400 grams. It did get shoe of the year award for a reason.
    One thing important to many people is ankle stability and minimizing the possibility of rolling an ankle on terrain like heavy scree when you are moving fast – especially downhill fast. This is where boots excel and the confidence boost is undeniable. I have also been a big fan of the Solomon X Ultra 3 Mid for years – they just fit right out of the box and need no break-in time. Not as light as the Rocklite however. Comparing the Rocklites to the aforementioned “hiking boots” is no contest – not even in the same category. So to assume that all hiking boots are going to weigh 1500 grams and all trail runners are going to weigh 280 grams is just not accurate.

  19. I’m currently reading this article while sitting at my desk with my feet sweating in a pair of Merrell Moab midboots because my feet have decided my old boots were too small and I need new ones. I’m trying out the waterproof ones (thus the sweating), because that’s all the store had, but if they fit well, I’ll take them back and order Ventilators, because I just feel a need to own hiking boots. And, as boots go, the Ventilators are pretty light (under 1 lb 14 oz ).

    BUT, that said, I’ve exclusively day-hiked (9 miles has been my longest) in Merrell Antora II Trail Runners for the last 10 months (hiking in the Texas Hill Country and Smokey Mountains) and loved them. So, I’m slowly being converted. However, the sole started coming off after only 160 or so miles, and I’m not sure if I got a lemon or if it’s a design problem. Any alternative suggestions for a gal with high arches and a reasonably wide forefoot whose running PT has repeatedly told her “NO ZERO DROP OR LOW DROP SHOES” (while wearing them himself) because of my running and walking mechanics? The Antoras have an 8mm drop, but that’s hard to find in trail runners right now, and I’m getting a bit frustrated at having to choose between a lovely wide toe box and zero drop, or a decent drop and narrow fit!

    1. That’s a tough one! There’s such a big discrepancy in foot types and personal history that it’s nigh on impossible to make specific recommendations for individuals sight unseen. Hopefully, the Ventilators work out for you. They’re definitely a shoe that seems to suit a lot of people, as evidenced by the model’s longevity and the fact that Merrell hasn’t really made any big design changes to them over the years. Best of luck!

  20. This is such a great website! I loved how you’ve addressed multiple types of shoes and terrain, except it left me wondering what you’d prefer to take on rugged terrain, full of pine needles, sand, rock, and no groomed trails? Would you still go with a trail runner shoe or a hiking shoe/boot? Any advantages/disadvantages to each in this case? I really struggle with grip on this kind of terrain all the time.

    1. Hi Cris,
      Thanks for the message. I’ve found that trail runners provide me with sufficient grip and stability in the conditions you describe.

  21. Great article. I’m trying to decide what footwear to use for a Nepal Trek in November. People keep telling me I need boots but I would much prefer trail runners. When I mention I would prefer non waterproof trail runners because I like the breathability, said people are aghast! haha. Would love to know your thought on preferable footwear for an end of autumn/start of winter trek on the mainly well the defined, but various, types of terrain that I’ll find on this trek. Thanks.

    1. Hey Andy,

      Thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately, that sort of reaction is still pretty common!

      As for your question, assuming that you’ll be going over 5000m plus passes, personally, I’d probably still go with trail runners, combined with waterproof socks. Depending on conditions, I’d also take along some microspikes. If snow levels are low and/or the trek you are doing is at lower altitudes, you can always store them at your hotel while trekking.

      Best of luck on your trip!



  22. Lots of awesome info in this article, thanks cam. I’ve personally moved on from boots to altras about 12 months ago. They’re working really well for me (lone peaks, superiors and Olympus). I’m planning a trip western Arthur’s traverse and don’t have much experience in this type of terrain. If you were going on the WAT tomorrow and could take any shoe and gaiter combo, what would it be ?

    1. Hey Brad,
      Thanks for the kind words. In recent years, my go-to trail running shoes for rugged terrain have been the La Sportiva Ultra Raptor. By way of comparison, they are somewhat heavier than the Altras but a bit more durable, grippy, and stable (also narrower). As for gaiters, I’d go with “Dirty Girls” ( which I’ve been using for years.
      All the best on your trip!

  23. We are doing the W-Circuit Torres Del Paine the first week of April. Is there any overwhelming reason to use mid-hiking boots instead of low cut hiking shoes? I am not worried at all about ankle stability. My concern might be very muddy or wet conditions, but when I watch videos of the hike the trails all seem fine to me. I am not concerned at all about the temperature.

    What do you think?

    1. Hey Mark,

      In most cases, I think trail runners/low-cut hiking shoes are fine for the Torres del Paine area. All the best with your trip.



  24. The link for the gortex liner socks of suggests they are no longer available via Montbell. Likely the result of low demand and consequent low sales. My search for gortex liner sock in us size 14 and or 15 has been time consuming and unfulfilling. Would appreciate helpful information that leads to results. Winters a few short months ahead!

  25. Thank you so much for your informative article. I’ve found that my hiking boots cause more pain than is worth it, and would much rather wear my trail runners when I don’t have to attach micro spikes in the winter. After 2 foot surgeries and very few shoes that I can wear, I was really hoping that I can wear my TOPO trail runners for the half Alta Via 2 hike in the Dolomites this summer. I have already worn them backpacking and hiking in Washington state and think they will hold up just fine.

  26. Hi Cam,

    Fantastic article. Thank you. I was wondering how did you find the Akasha’s in the end, durability-wise?



    1. Hi Will,
      Thanks for the kind words. The Akashas, along with the Ultra Raptors, have become my go-to trail runners for most trips. The durability has been excellent – a minimum of 600 miles per pair in rugged conditions.

      1. Thanks Cam, great to hear about the durability as I ended up picking up a pair before I saw your response. They ended up being perfect for the Santa Cruz and Huayhuash treks which I completed recently. Thanks for the response and shoe tip!

  27. Not convinced. I love the peace of mind that comes from wearing a full leather boot that keeps me safely dry in 90% of conditions an alpine day might produce. Trail runners are good if you stay on trail and conditions are all as expected.

    I mainly use hiking boots for 3-season Colorado 14ers (I’ve summited all 58), backpacking, and hunting deer and Elk 2x or 3x / year. I tried trail runners on a 3-day trip in the Sangre de Cristos and while they felt amazing for scrambling, I blew out the toes descending a single scree-filled gulley, and rolled my ankle returning with my heavy pack. The next year, I tried wearing them in the high desert for hunting, and they filled with cactus needles the first morning.

    With leather backpacking boots, I can unexpectedly lose the trail and push through thorny brush, I can splash through streams in weather where wet socks would be dangerous later that afternoon, I can start the morning in 15 degrees f, I can snowshoe in the morning and walk through 60 degrees in the afternoon, I can do half a day with a 65lb pack & gun and the rest of the day on talus with no pack, I can scramble up class 5 rock with edging, I can slide down scree, I can kick steps in dirt or snow, and I don’t even have to think about whether there is cactus for miles on end. If I used trail runners, I’d need to bring several pairs of shoes each day to match those conditions.

    Then there is cost. When I was summiting every weekend, my best hiking partner constantly complained that his trail runners wouldn’t give him more than a season, while my leather trekking boots gave me 4-5 years for the same price.

    Comfort is nice, but nature is unpredictable and I prefer versatility.

  28. Just discovered your site and so glad I have!
    I’ve not hiked extensively but I am a triathlete and a swimrunner- so when I was doing the Alta Via 1 a few years back I took my trail running shoes and my Swimrun shoes. Decided after a lot of thought I’d take my Salomon swimrun shoes for the hike as they were lighter than the trail shoes and they were perfect. Light, breathable, grippy sole and I can feel the ground and I could run when I wanted as well (on easy downhill trails). Sadly these shoes are no longer made.

    I spend half my year in New Zealand and when I decided to do my first proper hike there I ordered some Altras online. I didn’t realise they were shipping from Australia and they had not turned up for the hike. So I took my son’s Salomon trail shoes that I’d bought him and he had hardly used which were two sizes bigger than my feet. They were brilliant! People all around me in huts with blisters from boots and I had these lightweights on my feet with a load of room around my feet and I was good. I’ve worn them for all my trails in NZ with no problems (the Altras came and I just didn’t like the fit). No idea why Kiwis think their trails need more sturdy boots!

    Just done part of the Alta Via 2 in my new Merrell goretex trail runners and loved them. Again light, grippy, comfortable. My shoes were the only trail runners in the Puez hut surrounded by 30 pairs of hiking boots which really surprised me as most of the people in the hut were much younger than me.

    I just bought a pair of waterproof mid boots as I’m doing Kili in December so I tried them yesterday here in the Dolomites. I did not like the restriction around my ankle bone at all and felt far less certain on scree than in my trail shoes. I’ll only use them for summit day on Kili due to snow and will switch back to trail runners asap.

    I hike with a boyfriend who wears boots- he just won’t change- but he’s the one slipping in scree- not me.

  29. Thanks for the informative article – I work as a field ecologist and have always worn heavy hiking boots. Mine are comfortable and broken in but I still feel the tiredness in my legs and feet after a long day working or hiking. I climb regularly and practice yoga which has given me good proprioception but I definitely feel less connected to the ground in my stiff boots. I recently went over on my ankle and hurt my knee (not too badly) when when wearing my boots which led me to looking into trail runners and ultimately here! Everything clicked when I was reading this and I’m excited to try out some trail runners for my upcoming travel to South America

  30. Thanks for your awesome blog and article about Trail Runners Vs. Hiking Boots. I decided to hike Berliner High Trial in Dynafit Ultra 50 + membrane socks when needed. Before using them on a hike I run using these shoes about 100-150km in the mountains. The multi day hike with 9-10kg backpack ended badly: my both toes went purple after few days and I was sure will lose both nails. Eventually when finished 8 days trial I bought boots and needed to apply antibiotic ointment for a week (and continue to hike another tour). I had appropriate size of my trial runners. I like that trail runners are light and flexible but hiking in early July with a lot of snow and water on the trials was uncomfortable.

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